Benefits of a EU passport

Benefits of an EU passport


One major benefit of an EU passport is that you can travel freely throughout the EU nations, including all Schengen states. You will also have visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to hundreds of countries and territories.
You can also live, work and study in any EU country you desire.


Europe is home to many of the world’s most renowned schools and universities. An EU passport gives you access to free education and/or reduced tuition costs at schools and universities throughout the EU, which is a wonderful EU passport benefit for children.

Health Care

One of the big benefits of an EU passport is access to universal health care throughout the European Union. While each European country has its own system, basic health care is guaranteed for all citizens. You’ll be given a European health insurance card (EHIC) for medical coverage all over the EU.


Financial benefits of an EU passport are key for investors. The EU offers attractive tax incentive schemes for capital investment. Europe has agreements with more than 60 other countries on avoiding double taxation. Finally, different countries around the EU offer different tax rates, and all offer either favourable tax rates or foreign income schemes that can create an attractive tax environment for your first years living in the country.

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